Saturday, July 7, 2007

Time for Smack Down

One of Brooklyn's and Cade's favorite things to do is to wrestle. Most nights just before bedtime they get into their smack down mode. They jump on each other, steam roll one another and just about any other move you can think of. They have way too much fun. Their timing is impeccable because they are so happy and laughing so hard that it makes it hard to put them down for bed. So far no serious injuries and since the picture choke holds have been banned.


KMitchell said...

What is it about the happy period before bed. I think kids are way smarter than anyone gives them credit for. Looks like Brooklyn is winning this match.

Whitney said...

Aw man, you banned the best move? That's too bad. :) Looks like you guys are having fun. Love you guys.