Monday, July 9, 2007

I thought I'd steal a minute away from the kids while they are pretending to like each other. Actually they play together pretty well. I just wanted to post something while I could since Heath keeps voting for himself that he's going to be the one who posts most on our blog. I can see him frantically clicking the mouse on his name while he thinks I'm not looking. Just kidding but that would be funny. Today has been a pretty good day. This is Day 1 in potty training for Caden. He has actually been asking to go to the bathroom on the toilet for about 2 weeks. I thought I had better take advantage of it while it lasts. He's only had two accidents today. Not too bad. I had him pantless to get the idea and this afternoon he decided to pee on one of Brooklyn's paperback books and is subsequently dripped down onto his boot. Nice huh? He was rather concerned about his boot. I made a sticker chart for him and he couldn't care less. He doesn't want any candy or treats and would just rather give Brooklyn high-five.

Brooklyn gave a scripture and a prayer in Primary yesterday. She loves to bless the food numerous times in any prayer so Heath and I prepped her and said that she doesn't need to bless the food and that she could pray for these other things if she wanted too. She decided she wanted my help with the prayer at the last minute and before I could help her get a hold of the microphone she had already blessed the food. I was trying not to laugh and it didn't help that I could hear the boys in the older class giggling. She did a job though she was just quick to get that food part in.

Heath and I have talked about how well the kids have adjusted to moving and all. We were worried about Cade and nursery but he seems to have done so well. Or so we thought. A guy in the ward told Heath yesterday that Cade seems to be doing better in nursery. (His daughter is in the same class.) Apparently the first week Cade just put his head down on the table and cried to himself for a good 30 minutes. Then the following week he walked over and hung out in the corner and didn't want anyone to bother him. I feel kind of bad but he always seems excited to go and play in nursery so all is well.

1 comment:

KMitchell said...

Oh potty training, the fun days! That is too funny that Brooklyn is his motivation/treat. Only if big siblings understood how much their little siblings looked up to them. I hope potty training continues to go well. That is great Brooklyn got to say the prayer and scripture. Hayley always says" thank you for family home evening" every prayer. We have had the same talk about saying different things for different prayers, but I guess that doesn't help. At least all your food will be blessed. I always remember Brooklyn's prayer for Heath to be safe and his head won't fall off. :) Too funny. Love your updates.