Monday, August 11, 2008

This is why I LOVE the Olympics

Wow, for any of you who didn't stay up last night to watch the Mens 4x100m Free Relay you missed out big time. Lucky for you I have copied a link here to the NBC Olympics website where you can go and watch it, and watch it you should. It was absolutely incredible and our athletes are amazing!! The video is not that long, the race was not even 4 minutes, so you don't have any excuse not to watch it. Go ahead, indulge your inner self and enjoy!

Click here to go to the website 


Krista said...

Wasn't that SWEET?!? Especially after the trash talk.... :)

JoEllen said...

Ok - you beat me to it, I wanted to put a link to this race on my blog. I still might, because it was AWESOME!! It was so exciting to watch. I can't believe that FOUR teams beat the world record and that our team beat it by more than 4 seconds. It's amazing!!

Matt said...

Heath, thanks for posting some sports on your blog. What's the deal with all of the family pictures??? Sheesh...LOL

What a great sports moment. Kristin and I were up off the couch yelling at the TV. You gotta cherish the moments when your wife is into watching the sporting event as much as you (rare).
Take care buddy.