Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sea World with Grandma and Grandpa

As you saw in the previous post we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa come and visit us last weekend. On Saturday, we decided to brave the cold winds and make our way to Sea World. We have been there a few times now, many of which we have blogged about, but of all the times we have been there this time it was like we had the park to ourselves. I guess there were very few people crazy enough to endure the cold windy day just to get a glimpse of Shamu! Even with the winds and cold, we all had a good time.

The best part of the whole day was when we were walking into the park a random lady handed us her ticket and told us that her husband had gotten sick so he was unable to come, and she had this extra ticket that she wanted to give away! So that saved us $50! Thank you to whomever you are that was so kind to just give us your ticket for free!

Enjoy the pictures!
Brooklyn getting kissed by a Beluga Whale
Grandma getting kissed by the Beluga Whale


Ondriawfd said...

Looks fun! Alexandria wants to plan a trip to SeaWorld just so she can go see Brooklyn. I have to keep telling her that if we went to SeaWorld it would probably be the one in California not Texas. BTW it's good to see other stuff on your blog besides politics. These pictures are way cuter than Mitt.

JoEllen said...

How do you get to be the person the whale kisses? I'm pretty sure that unicorns don't get kissed by whales...