Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Earlier today the kids went outside to play. They came inside extremely wet and muddy so I had them jump in the shower. I had Cade go get dressed while Brooklyn showered and when I went to see if Cade had his clothes on, I couldn't find him. I was looking all over and couldn't find him anywhere. I found his towel on the floor and just happened to glance out the front window and there I saw him. Cade was standing on the front porch completely naked! As soon as I opened the door he took off. I tried to grab him and missed and I've never seen his little legs run so fast. I looked at him as he took a rest by the neighbors window. I couldn't even call after him because I was laughing so hard! It's not every day that you see a 2 year old streaking around the apartment complex. Here's to hoping it doesn't happen again. After a lot of coaxing, I got him back inside, all the while laughing.


Linsay Jarvis said...

Haha that is so funny! Boys will be boys! haha

Linsay Jarvis said...

I'll just add..Brandon came and was asking me why I was laughing so hard, I had him read it and he started laughing too. haha So thanks for giving us the best laugh of the day! :)

Krista said...

That is seriously hilarious! That's the best story ever! Thanks for the laugh!

The Shirleys said...

THat is too funny! I know that since I laughed that is going to happen to me soon. It always does, but I can just imagine Cade running for all he is worth to get away! Bradley has done that inside our apartment. Hopefully he won't ever escape!

B.E.C.L Wall said...

Too funny! There is just something about kids and a need to take it all off and make a run for it!

KMitchell said...

So you have a little nudist on your hands!! Your story made me laugh- oh the adventures!!!

JoEllen said...

Cade just tickles me!! I imagine he planned it all out in his head...okay, mom's with Brookie, the door is unlocked, here's my chance...GO FOR IT!!

Hillery said...

What? No pictures?!

Lisa said...

That is too funny. Thanks I needed a good laugh today. Congratulations on the new baby she is beautiful..

Sal said...

That is so funny! My sister did the same thing during a family vacation once. The only difference was we were at a truck stop packed with cheering truck drivers! we miss you guys too. And hey - I have to tell Heath I'm wearing her down! he need to know there is hope!

Jill said...

That is hilarious - Cade is too cute!

Tilane said...

I couldn't stop laughing while reading this. So funny!

Corinne said...

that is hilarious!! Your kids are darling! I love the pictures of your kids with Brynlie...they look so sweet!

Maury said...

What is it with boys and their love for being naked?

Abe said...

Hey guys, we Love your blog. Congratulations on the baby. Amber says hi. We hope the GPR is going well. Its good to see that everyone is happy and healthy.

Anna said...

Hey Chelsea, I found your blog through Jami. Very funny story. Aren't kids just great!