Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lucky number 7!

Whomever said that the number 7 is lucky....I agree! Today is mine and Chelsea's 7th anniversary and life couldn't be better. I can't believe how fast the time goes by. It just seems like two years ago that I first laid eyes on this gorgeous girl, with her blue eyes and her long curly hair. I remember wishing I had the courage to strike up a conversation with her but had to live vicariously for the moment through my friend who did all the talking as I stood close by. It wasn't for another 3 months until I got the courage to ask her out on our first date (actually I had to wait my turn as that same friend that did all the talking that night started dating her after we first met her.)

Our first date....November 4, 2000
Our first talk of marriage....about 2-3 weeks later before she left to Utah for Thanksgiving
Asking permission of her father....The first time I met him around December 14, 2000
Official engagement.....December 29, 2000 at Zions National Park in Utah
Sealing in the Salt Lake City Temple.....March 9, 2001!

Yes, you are all correct that is way fast. And I tell you what, I wouldn't have done it any other way. From the first time I went out with Chelsea I knew that there was something special. I remember being at home and asking my mom if it could all really be this easy. I was so worried that I might have been overlooking something because I couldn't see anything that was wrong with this girl, and everything was going so well. I'm not sure how I did it, but somehow I put on my best front and convinced her to marry me. And because of that, I am the luckiest guy in the world.

So what is it like to be married for 7 years to someone like Chelsea. Well, lets just say I can't wait for the next eternity that I get to spend with her. I can honestly say that I wouldn't change one thing about her, or one thing about our relationship. We are very blessed with a relationship that I would think anyone would love to have, or at least it works for us. I don't say this to brag, but rather simply to state how fortunate I am to have her as my wife. She adds way more to this relationship than I do, and it is because of her that we have the wonderful marriage that we do. I love her, and I'm so thankful that we are together.

Happy 7th Sweetie!! I love you!! Thanks for being that person that I thought was only possible in my dreams. You are the best!!!!


JoEllen said...

You guys really are so sweet!! I hope you were able to have some time to yourselves that didn't involve diaper changes and refereeing. You deserve it! We miss you guys.

Lyssa Beth said...

That is so adorable! After 7 years and still like that?! So cute. I'm so glad guys are so happy. Chelsea is so awesome, I agree! Happy Anniversary!

The Farnsworth Family said...

Okay that is so sweet! Congrats on lucky #7~

Jami Black said...

I think I have composed myself now-Congrats! I agree-Chelsea is amazing. And I am making Brian read this post later!

Jamie Smith said...

So are you trying to put all our husbands to shame with your amazing love story. Well, of course all of us girls love it. Thanks for sharing, it's always great to hear that there are happy marriages and people out there, because I just get so sick of hearing of all the divorces and cheated going on. So thanks for being a fresh of breath air. And you are lucky, Chelsea is an amazing person.

Cassie Simonton said...

Ok Heath you have to stop are getting JD in trouble and he hasn't even done anything...maybe thats the problem!!! Happy Anniversary you guys! Why don't you let me watch your kids so you can go out!!! I'll call Chelsea!

Celeste said...

Happy Anniversary!! What a great story you guys have. Hope you can take some time to celebrate!

Sal said...

With lovey posts like that you are making the rest of us look bad! Cut it out! Good to hear everything is going well man. JoEllen is breaking down on the iPhone. There is hope brother:) Oh I almost forgot man - can you send me my photoshop book?