Saturday, February 2, 2008

Disgust for the Main Stream Media (MSM)

Is anyone else fed up by the MSM during this political season? It is so evident that the MSM is wanting a McCain victory in the GOP primary so that then the American people have to decide between two Democrats in the presidential election. Every time McCain get some endorsement or wins some primary it is on the front cover of every newspaper, it is the lead story of every evening news broadcast, there is a huge picture of his nasty smile and two thumbs up on every news website, and he gets more free TV time from all this than anyone! No wonder why the average American thinks that he is the "Clear Front Runner" of this GOP primary.

Now lets think about the MSM and their love for Mitt Romney. How many of you remember the headlines "Romney wins Wyonimg!!"..... yea I don't either. How many of you remember the large front page news story with a picture of Romney giving his victory speech when he won in Nevada....yea I don't either. Now just today, how many of you even knew that Romney has won in Maine because this headline is all over the evening news....yea I only know because I am an avid Romney follower. And, according to the tally that Hugh Hewitt has on his blog, if you add the 18 delegates from his win in Maine, Romney now only trails the "clear front runner" (as McCain is loudly described by the MSM) by 6 delegates going into Super Tuesday. If anyone in the MSM would give some props to Romney anywhere along the way then maybe he could have some of this excitement with the general public that McCain has gotten due to his love by the MSM. Wake up people!! If you are a conservative Romney is the only clear one to vote for. He has all the support from Rush, Laura, Sean, Hugh (conservative talk show hosts) and now he has the official backing of Rick Santorum (former PA Republican Senator), which by the way I didn't see any free air time for a special news conference for this announcement like we did with Arnold and Rudy for McCain.

The MSM will have America believe that Romney is dead in the water and that McCain has all the momentum. Well, if you just look at the facts, Romney has now won more states than McCain has and only trails him slightly in the total delegate count. I would hardly say that this means that McCain is the "clear front runner." Too bad the average American can't get their information from some better source besides the MSM.


Jenni said...

We hear you on this one Heath! Mason and I are disgusted with the amount of publicity McCain is getting. But, we do love listening to Rush Limbaugh in his absolute support for Romney! Go Mitt!

Jeffrey said...

Thank you Heath for the update. Since I get my only news from word of mouth stuff it is nice to hear that Romney is not far behind. LIke you were aying I had no idea it was that close form all the publicity Mccain is getting. Thanks again, Our primary is On Tuesday, I think.

Lee said...

B-O-O H-O-O, that spells boo hoo.

Romney is a shade or maybe a hair, (Which is less, a shade or a hair? Whichever is less, that's what I mean) more conservative than McCain, both are far from being true conservative Republicans.
If you are really pressing people to vote for the most conservative republican candidate, then honestly, there is no one more conservative than Ron Paul.

I will now await the tired, "Why 'waste' your vote on someone who won't win?," response. Foolishness.

Heath said...

Actually Lee, I hate the 'Why waste your vote on someone who won't win' theory as much as you do. I think you should select the candidate that you like and vote for him, regardless if others think he can or cannot win. I actually like a lot of Ron Paul's ideas, but I really can't stand his isolationist attitude in regard to foreign affairs, amongst other crazy ideas he has.
Oh and there is no way that Romney is only slightly more conservative than McCain. I really hope you don't actually think that with as involved in politics as you are.

Celeste said...

Romney is surging in California and appears to be leading in the state according to some polls. Not to mention that he is virtually tied with McCain in Georgia. This race is far from over. Romney has leads like this all over the country. However the MSM will not allow for the public to see this because this is not on their agenda.

To compare Romney and McCain and say there isn't much difference in their conservative values, to me isn't looking at all the facts.
I think that Romney's record speaks for itself. Of course everyone automatically assumes that just because Romney governed one of the most liberal states means he did it in a liberal fashion. Which honestly is far from the truth. His record is conservative there.

I can't say the same for McCain and according to his Senate record, he aligns more with the fellas "on the other side of the aisle.", rather than his own party. Lest we forget he almost jumped parties a while back, and considered being John Kerry's running mate in 2004.

McCain on the other hand should be compared with Clinton and Obama concerning where the line is drawn on their liberal views. I would say there is only a "shade or a hair" of difference there.

I do think that you should vote for the person you like the most. But honestly you have to be prepared for the ramifications of what your vote might do. For instance, voting McCain into the nomination, even though you voted for someone else. Just something to think about.


Anonymous said...

Don't you find it a little odd that Huckabee is still in the race considering he has always been in last place? The latest rumor is that "Huckabigot" and McCain are working together to pull votes from Romney. Huckabee's agenda is to attack Romney in the media so McCain can avoid any negative fall-out from having done so himself. I've even heard that in the end the deal they've worked out is that Huckabee is going to be McCains vice-presidental running mate.

Another oddity is that Rush Limbaugh recently received a letter from the powers that be in the Rupublican party telling him to "back off" and quit putting out negative comments on McCain. Sounds like they have already decided to back him ...never mind what the public may want. It will be interesting to see how super Tuesday plays out.

If McCain does end up sweeping the polls it will show the complete lack of intelligence on the part of the American people who claim they are concerned about the economy. Why vote for someone who has admitted he knows nothing about the economy (McCain) instead of someone who has said it is his strong point (Romney)? All you have to do is look at Romney's record and you will see that he knows what he is talking about.

Oh and by the way ...did you know that McCain has had to have therapy for anger management issues? Is this someone you want to be dealing with the other "hot heads" in the middle east or to have his trigger finger on our nuclear arsenal?

These are just a few of many reasons out there as to why McCain should not be leading our country. This whole election has been absurd!!!

The Farnsworth Family said...

Amen. I couldn't agree with you more Heath. The media has been unscrupulous, but it this really a surprise? I like what anonymous said too. I have heard that McCain is using Huckabee to try to pull votes from Romney, but I wonder if there is any validity it?

Adam Snell said...

Whether there is validity to it or not, and it wouldn't surprise me if there is, Huckabee is doing just that. But ya, the media has always sucked like that. I'm ashamed of the Republicans, especially in Arizona.

Ondriawfd said...

Adam, I agree. "Ashamed" and disappointed. I really thought the republican party as a whole was smarter than that.