Wednesday, November 2, 2011 isn't always good.

Her face might be messy or she may have a runny nose most of the time but London sure is cute.
I think they look so much alike. Their baby pictures have tons of similarities. Cade even loves to drag her around and pretend to wrestle with her. He's a good big brother.
Now to the title. I snuck upstairs to get ready and was glad that they seemed to be playing with each other. I heard a little giggling and a lot of quiet. I kept telling myself it was fine but my curiosity got the better of me. They were hiding behind the counter when I found them. I couldn't hold my laughter in. London was BEAMING! She was so excited to have someone color all over her face and to see that color on Brynlie. I was trying to take a picture of Brynlie alone and London kept poking her head in and saying, "Cheese!" Too funny. Luckily I had just bought washable markers. They even decorated my tile. Gotta love it!


JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh, they're adorable!!!

The Shirleys said...

You handled that well. I don't think I would have gone for the camera. They are cute!

Admin said...

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