Friday, July 4, 2008

The Best Nation on Earth

I can't let this miraculous holiday go by without expressing a few of my thoughts about this wonderful country we call the United States of America. How lucky are we to live in such a great nation, where we enjoy so many freedoms that so many others in the world can only dream about. During this celebration of our Independence I would like to express thanks for all those that have fought, and sacrificed so much, to allow this country to remain free. I have a brother who is training to be an Air Force pilot, and at times like this, I always try to take a minute and reflect on how fortunate I am that I have fellow American's like my brother who are willing to fight for our freedoms, and allow me the opportunity to enjoy living in this, the most wonderful country on earth.

And please, don't forget to protect this great nation, and all of its freedoms by not voting for the socialist Obama! I'm not a huge McCain fan either, but compared to the alternative he looks like gold! Sorry, just had to throw the political plug in there.

Feel free to play the following video clip. There is no video, only my favorite patriotic song, God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood.


Jason and Kristin said...

Happy 4th! I hear Brooklyn has figured out how to call Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks for the heads up on Obama. Honestly, I don't pay much attention to that stuff so it's good that someone does and can warn us. Hope the new job and house hunting is going good!

Dave'sWife@{thediaryofdaveswife} said...

HeAth~ dAve asKeD mE tO lEaVe yOu a CoMMenT b/c hE wAntS yOur PhonE #. You CaN e-MaIL iT iF yOu wIsh~ mInE iS poStEd oN mY bloG :0)

Anonymous said...

You and your ugly stupid family disgust me. One day your husband will be having affairs all over the place, and you;ll still be at home being the stupid, Republican, pseudoreligious, obedient little wifey that you are. Gee, maybe you can pop some more little fuglys out just so you can think of some more names you think are just SO NEAT. Brynlie -- sounds like a horse. People like you disgust me. Use some birth control or keep your pants on. Gee, isn't sex against your religious beliefs.

Emily R said...

anyways, how is az? are you guys all settled? are you loving work? love the mastercard ad... cant beat that drive!!! hope all is well!